Ministerial Meanderings

God centered theology in a man centered world.

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Location: Springfield, Missouri, United States

I was born in Washington D.C. and raised in Laurel, Maryland. I served in the United States Air Force for 20 years then retired. Then God led me to become a pastor. I was converted to Christ in the summer of 1966. I enjoy the company of my wife, children and grandchildren. I live with my three cats Taz.

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Happy Easter 2007

As we turn our minds towards family and friends, many people will find themselves in church this morning to worship the Risen Lord, Jesus Christ. As we contemplate the fact that his resurrection from the dead validates and proves the truthfulness of everything he said and did, let us remember that the resurrection calls us to respond. If Jesus Christ was truly who he said he was, and if he really rose from the dead and is now alive forevermore, then what does that mean for your life and what are you going to do with it? "He lives! He lives! Christ Jesus lives today!" This was a little Easter meditation for you to think about. Happy Easter.


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